a giraffe drinking on our camer atrap in knp

Giraffe drinking and more hyenas around the house!

This week’s Tales of the Trailcam is a bit of a half and half. Our camera was in the bush with Steven half the time and the other half it was at home here with me!


I was extremely happy to get such lovely footage of the giraffe drinking. They are such skittish animals. Even its own footstep in the water before it lowered its head to drink startled it a little bit! I don’t think there are any crocodiles in this small pool, but one can never be too careful I suppose;-)


The hyenas have been very active around the house for the second week in a row. Our motion sensor on the gate gave the one hyena a bit of a fright and I am glad they have not tried to take a bite out of my precious camera again!


I hope you enjoy the movie I put together of my favorite trailcam footage of the past week. Have a look at more trailcam- and other videos on my Youtube channel and feel free to subscribe!



Our Trailcam is once again in a wilderness area of our beautiful Kruger National Park. I am sure it has all sorts of tales to tell next week!


Have a lovely day everyone!


xxx, Linda



8 thoughts on “Giraffe drinking and more hyenas around the house!

  1. Dankie Linda?
    Ek lees te heerlik aan jou wonderlike stories!
    Wat n wonderlike opwindende lewe en jy deel dit met ons!
    Mooi loop en veilig wees!

  2. Hoi Linda, Steven en de jongens natuurlijk,
    ik zal me even voorstellen: Martin Marcus, de vriend van Matty Renes, je oude buurvrouw.
    We waren onlangs bij je moeder en Jan op visite toen ze vol trots vertelden, dat je een blog hebt.
    Die volg ik nu met groot plezier.
    Dus je hebt nu ook volgers in Spijkenisse.
    Nog even voor de duidelijkheid: we hebben ook met elkaar gesproken op het huwelijk van je moeder en Jan.

    Met vriendelijke groet

    1. Hoi Martin!

      Wat leuk dat je ons op deze manier gevonden hebt! Dank voor je berichtje! Natuurlijk weet ik dat nog!
      Veel liefs aan Matty en tot gauw in Nederland!

  3. Hi Linda,
    I love reading your blog posts, I’ve been enjoying them for a while but thought it was high time for a comment/compliment!
    I’m a fellow ‘dutchie’ now living in the UK, who used to live in Swaziland-a perfect base for many, dearly loved visits to Kruger. Your posts help keep me sane!
    The trail cam footage is great- just the sounds of the bush are so good to hear, seeing the wildlife is a further bonus!
    Thank you!

    1. Hoi Jacqueline!
      Thank you, for your lovely message! You have lived in a few interesting places!
      Hope a visit to Kruger isn’t too far away!

  4. Thanks Linda for another lovely trailcam sequence, I really enjoy peeking into the lives of animals like this. Bit late with my comment as I’ve been away and only saw this tonight. Look forward to the next one.


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