Lions on a carcass

Lions on a Carcass…

We got some really cool footage on our trail camera a few weeks ago, but I have been in two minds about sharing it… Some of it is definitely not for sensitive viewers. During an incident at Bushmans Trailscamp, a young bull elephant was shot. It is never nice when something like that happens. And believe me when I say that it is very traumatic for everyone involved.  I was not there, neither was Steven and I do not want to say anything or speculate about what happened. I am just very glad that the guests on that trail and the trails ranger, his assistant and camp attendant were not harmed.


What I would like to share with you is what happens after an elephant or rhino dies.  When rangers discover or know about a carcass, the ivory or horn need to be removed. They don’t want the coveted teeth or rhino horn to fall into the wrong hands. After the, in this case ivory, is removed it is then taken to a safe and secure place.


It did not take long for the scavengers to arrive after the ivory was removed. I guess there is life in death as well in the sense that the elephants body provided food for a lot of animals. What I found very moving is that another elephant arrived before the hyena’s did. With it’s trunk it sniffed the earth and the elephants body. An elephant’s tenderness and sense of emotion keeps on amazing me. I think I would like to come back as an elephant in a next life. I will find a nice lady with a tasty looking garden and I will just hang around with her the whole time;-)


The footage of the lions on the carcass is spectacular. And a little bit gross at the same time. Especially the part where the lioness is drinking some elephant juice. But at the same time it is all part of the circle of life. And that in itself is worth showing.


Have a lovely week everyone!


Cheers, Lin


9 thoughts on “Lions on a Carcass…

  1. Wow Linda, wat een spektakel. Bijzonder om te zien, hoewel voor ons toch ook gruwelijk. Was juist voor het eerst in ZA in de West en East Cape en zag voor het eerst wildlife in Addo. Wat een belevenis. Weten nu zeker dat Kruger ook snel aan de beurt komt. Groetjes. X Marilou

    1. Áls jullie naar Kruger komen, zou het sùper leuk zijn jullie te zien!!! Ja het zijn pittige beelden. En tegelijk ook de natuur… maar dat maakt het niet makkelijker om naar te kijken. Kusss!!

  2. Amazing footage. But very sad. It looks like quite a young elephant? I was quite surprised to see no vultures waiting in the wings. I’m sure that you would be an excellent garden invader if you returned as an elephant – you would know all the tricks and the countermeasures!!! Thanks for sharing this.

  3. Once in Shingwedzi we arrived just after a female had died after trying to climb up from the river. Oh so sad. But it took a few days before the carnivores could open the body. So sad to see?

  4. Linda,
    Incredible footage, thank you for sharing. The circle of life mesmerizes me…..
    I used to fly for Northwest Airlines and many times passed through your crew area in AMS……sometimes I wonder if we ever crossed paths. I am just back from 7 weeks in SA, 3 of them spent up in the bush, my favorite place of all time. Actually was in your area….Berg N Dal…..had a lovely stay.
    This was my 32nd year of traveling to SA….each year hold new surprises….so happy for you to live in such a wonderful place!

  5. its the Natural Cycle of Life, whilst its a shame, its also of benefit.
    great story and footage. Tell Steve I send my regards and to take care.
    Looking forward to my July 2020 trip

  6. Thank you again for sharing all your wonderful stories, experiences and videos with us Linda, i personally cant wait for every “next” episode. Im so happy the park is getting some well needed rain, so when we come down in December, the bush will be green, dams and rivers will have water, and all the babies will be bouncing around. Roll on 21 December, i cant wait.

  7. Hi Linda,

    Thank you so much for sharing, great video in spite of the sad circumstances surrounding it. At least it wasn’t a mother and calf and the people on the trail were safe. Having done six trails, one with Steven, I know how careful the trails rangers are to keep both their guests and the animals safe so this must have been devastating to the entire team. At least the hyenas and lions were well fed for quite some time and this wasn’t due to a poacher’s snare or bullet. All the best to you and your family and thank you again for sharing.



  8. WoW, heel indrukwekkend en best gruwelijk om te zien, maar je hebt gelijk, een mooi maaltje voor een hoop andere dieren en gelukkig de slagtanden niet in verkeerde handen gevallen!
    Wij verheugen ons op onze reis naar ZA eind januari, helaas geen beestjes kijken deze keer…

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