5 different species on our trailcam

5 Different Species on our Trailcam. Did we see the Lions?

We have had quite a few animals walk past the gate over the last week or so. After seeing the lions from my neighbour’s garden last week, I was really hoping to get some nice footage of them on my Trailcam, but unfortunately they slipped away unseen. Steven found them on the road when he went to Berg en Dal to vote that evening. I will update you on the “Lion Politics” of our area in a future blog.


We still got some very nice footage – of more than 5 different species in fact! There was lots of impala and monkey footage as well, but I left those out of the video below. (I hope that doesn’t sound too blasé?)

I have posted a video of my latest Trailcam finds on Our Life in Kruger’s YouTube Channel. I am collecting all of the Tales of the Trailcam videos and other Our Life in Kruger videos there. If you long for Kruger and want to see some lekker footage, go and have a look there!


Together with Liza Roux from the Country Living in Southern Africa blog and Liaan Lategaan from the Wild Wonders of Southern Africa vlog, we admin the Trailcamming in Southern Africa Facebook group. There is a nice competition on there at the moment, with give-away’s from all the admins. Our little group is growing steadily and there are more and more posts with extremely nice and rare Trailcam finds!


Steven is currently up North for a Wilderness Trail. Our Trailcam is with him, so let’s see what Tales it has to tell when he gets home!


Have a lovely week everyone!


Xxx, Linda

4 thoughts on “5 Different Species on our Trailcam. Did we see the Lions?

  1. Delightful! What a great selection of night visitors – when you consider the impalas and monkeys that you left out, the place must have been buzzing! Don’t your monkeys sleep at night??? I love the hippo – just standing there with a mouthful, forgetting even to chew or swallow as it checks out the light source; great footage of the civet too. A trailcam is certainly a fantastic addition to a Kruger household! Looking forward to the next one. x

    1. Hi Sal!

      I have to say, it has been interesting. Some weeks are extremely quiet. And then there are weeks like the last one. I loved getting the African Civet at the house now too.
      On the bucket list: Pangolin (oh my word can you imagine), Aardvark, Aardwolf, Bushbaby, African Wild cat, Lion, and who ever is eating my desert roses!

      1. LOL – you need a special cam to train on the desert roses! The bucket list is a great one. I wonder if you will be able to knock a few of those off by the end of the year . . . .

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