Hyena on our Trailcam in Kruger National Park

Predator time! Hyenas and…. A Leopard!

Last week the road in front of our house was very quiet. Except for a few elephants, I did not get much activity on our Trailcam at all. So, unfortunately, I had to skip a week in our Tales of the Trailcam blog series.


This week, however, I have some very nice footage to share. Hyenas have been very active around the house. I can hear them calling at night and they luckily show up on the Trailcam too!


They certainly find the camera very interesting and one of them actually came right up to the camera and bit it! Thank goodness there are no teeth marks or scratches on my camera. I don’t know what I would do if one of them ate it! I would be absolutely heartbroken. But so far so good! As a safety precaution, I am carefully tying the loose end of the strap to the fence!


The same night we had the nosy hyenas at the gate we also had a leopard walk past!!! Oh my goodness now that was a very exciting find. I know there are lots of leopards around. We can hear the monkeys scream at them regularly, but I have never seen one! To have one walk right past the gate in the middle of the night is both amazing and a little bit scary. A good reminder to never éver leave the gate open at night and to check our surroundings carefully if we ever come home after dark!


I have posted the video below on my YouTube channel. Feel free to subscribe!

The Trailcam is once again in the bush with my dear husband. Let’s see what Tales the Trailcam will tell when he gets home!!


Have a lovely week everyone!


xo, Linda

5 thoughts on “Predator time! Hyenas and…. A Leopard!

  1. Hi Linda! I’m so glad for all of us that the inquisitive hyaena did no damage to your camera – I love these videos that you post from the trailcam and would really miss them. I can imagine your excitement at seeing a leopard walking past your gate, such a lovely surprise when you first checked what had been caught on-camera. Thanks for posting this – and really, no worries about no Tales of the Trailcam last week – the monkeys made up for it!!!

  2. Always a treat to see your trail cam footage, thanks for sharing. A hyena chewed our trail cam last time we were in SA, completely destroyed it. Thankfully we managed to recover the photos, the last one showing the offending hyena peeing on the camera!

  3. Try spraying the camera with some Dettol or something that will disguise the human environment smell. Perhaps wipe a bit of that chili sauce that I keep on about, onto it .
    I think you can get Mrs Balls hot chili sauce now – otherwise I have a really good recipe I can share (I think I may have got it off the BPOE page actually).
    Exciting to see the footage and know that this is happening all around you.

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