The waterhole in Kruger National Park

The Waterhole – Tales of the Trailcam

This weeks episode of Tales of the Trailcam comes from a wilderness area somewhere deep in the Kruger National Park. We had a bit of a mishap with a faulty memory card, so we went a few days without any footage, but because of the footage we did get I just had to call this episode: The Waterhole.


Steven set up our camera at a waterhole and got some amazing footage of dozens of elephants coming to drink. It got so busy around the waterhole it almost looks like a big high school reunion or something! I had such a lovely time watching the elephant’s waterhole politics as different families come to the water to drink. Clearly, the lonely warthog was not welcome…;-)


It is not just the waterhole politics that makes this video interesting for me but also watching the animals go about their business. Not influenced by the presence of humans. A tusk gets a good clean, two little ones from different families get to know each other and they are not ashamed to fart! Haha, who knew elephants were that flatulent??


I hope you enjoy watching the video I put on my YouTube channel!

If you enjoy watching these videos, or if you have a camera trap of your own, I would like to invite you to check out a lovely new group on Facebook called Trailcamming in Southern Africa. Please don’t forget to answer the two admin questions if you would like to join.


Steven will be back from trail on Wednesday. As always I am curious to see what Tales the Trailcam will tell when he gets home!


Have a lovely week everyone!





7 thoughts on “The Waterhole – Tales of the Trailcam

  1. Hé lin!!! Wat zit je dan helemaal vet cool daar!
    Goed gedaan joh! Leuk je zo te zien!
    Raoul appte met foto, veel liefs en groetjes van je oude kroeg maatje Nel

    1. Hoi Nelleke!!
      Ja hoe is die blast from the past! Te leuk gewoon!!
      Ik zei nog tegen Raoul. Zo sta je in de Mapo en voila 20 jaar later bij elkaar op de borrel in Afrika! haha!
      Veel liefs terug! Hoop dat alles goed met je gaat! x, Lin

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