On my way to the laundromat

On Lock-Down inside Kruger National Park – Day 4

A Trip to the Laundromat and a Snake on my Head!
The first thing I like to do when I wake up is to open the curtains and see what animals are outside our front gate. Today, there was a long parade of impalas coming past the house. I love these dainty antelope! It looks like the rutting season is about to begin because there were lots of little skirmishes between the males.

I had to make another trip to the Laundromat today. And while I was getting all of our dirty washing together, Alex asked me if he could come with me. I sadly had to tell him no. How do you explain to a five-year-old that he cannot come with you to the Laundromat? They normally go everywhere with us. “It is because of the Corona, my angel,” I told him. He looked at me with a concerned look on his face. “Mama, daai Corona is a monster, ne.” “Yes, my darling, it really is,” I replied and I stroked his hair. He understands all too well that this is not a normal situation at all.


I left our house with two hampers full of washing. At the gate into the park, the impalas that were in front of the house earlier were now walking under the thatch roof over the entrance into the park. I did not see a single human being on my 13-kilometre drive to the Laundromat.


What I did notice though, was that the animals are busy reclaiming the tar road! As I expected I encountered lots and lots of poo, compared to when I had to do laundry on the first day of the lock-down. A big herd of buffalo was grazing on the left-hand side of the road. And by the looks of the number of patties on the road, they had spent hours on the road relaxing.


The elephants seemed to have had a jol on the road a bit further up as well and had left steaming piles of dung, branches, leaves and twigs in their wake. A few elephants were hanging around the wallows next to the road that are once again nice and full from the rain we had last week. They were taking their sweet time drinking, walking from one side of the road to the other, taking a mouth-full of grass, a sip of water. They barely seemed to notice the presence of my car and I loved watching them as if they didn’t think I was there.


Just before camp, a little zebra foal was half asleep in the middle of the road. After this short drive, it felt to me like the bush and all of its animals were relaxing without the constant pressure of our human presence in the park. I wonder what it is going to look like in two and a half weeks’time.

On my way to the laundromat
A little zebra foal sleeping on the road on my way to the Laundromat.
Our washing was still a bit damp when it came out of the drying so when I got home from the Laundromat, I got the pegs inside to hang it on the washing line to dry. I paused in the open mosquito door to put my plakkies back on when I heard a sound of the metal gecko next to the door and then I felt something graze past my head and shoulder. When I looked next to me a snake was right up against the wall of the house!!!


My heart almost jumped out of my chest! I did not feel a bite, nevertheless, I quickly checked my shoulder and arm while I tried to make out what snake it was that fell on me. But the snake must have had a huge fright as well and quickly moved away.


I ran to the office where Steven was busy with his monthly paperwork and shouted: SNAKE at him through the closed office window. My dear husband was next to me in a split second and found the snake in the patch of grass in front of our bedroom window we planted a few weeks ago. “Looks like a Skaapsteker my love!” He reassured me. “Are you ok?” I must have had quite a bewildered look on my face….


But I am fine now. I got a bit of a fright and a few grey hairs. Not every day a snake falls on you. So all in all day 4 of our lock-down was not bad. Never a dull moment in the bush, as Steven and I always say. But ask me again in 17 days if that still applies;-)



I have written a few more blog posts about our experiences with snakes if you feel like some more reading during the lock-down. You can find them in the links here:


A narrow escape with a Mamba

There is a snake in our hut

Help! A Snake bit the Dog

The boys find a Pofadder

Honey, there is a Snake under the Bed


If you have missed Day 1 and Day 2 & 3 of our Lock-Down diary you can find them here:

Silence and a Broken Washing Machine

A Leopard Crawling Warthog and Trumpeting Trumpeters.



31 thoughts on “On Lock-Down inside Kruger National Park – Day 4

  1. Hello Linda,

    Ive only recently signed up to receive your blog updates…!!! Very interesting reading and makes me yearn to be back in the Kruger Park…September 2017 was way too long ago. Thank you for your blog posts even if they make me feel “homesick” for the Kruger. Keep up the excellent work you are doing…..I’m sure all of your blog recipients are so envious.

  2. I too have been wondering whether the animals are finding it relaxing to encounter no vehicles on the road. There is no predator pack roaring out of Satara as the gates open for example and I would guess far fewer staff and supply vehicles as well. The air must be so fresh to those who have a strong sense of smell. Stay safe all of you.

    1. Sal, it is refreshing! Looking at that little zebra foal it looks like the animals can relax. They are on holiday from us! Stay safe too! Xx

  3. Hi Linda
    I’m hooked! Previously missed out on some of your posts but with time on my side now it’s a different story! Can’t wait for your daily post to come up! Enjoy the bush and the bush silence…..precious! Time with your family just as presious. Keep well and stay safe!

  4. Hallo Linda en Steven
    Dankie weereens vir die vertellinge van die Kruger. Hier in Australia kruip ons weg vir die virus en jou blog is ‘n welkome herindering van ‘n gunsteling plek – die KNP.

  5. Hoi Linda. Met jouw dagelijkse belevenissen is het leven hier binnen de 4 muren ineens niet neer zo saai. Tjonge wat zal jij geschrokken zijn.
    Fijn over je schouder mee te genieten van jullie prachtige leefomgeving. Blijf gezond!
    Liefs Marilou

    1. Hoi Marilou!
      Leuk van je te horen! Zal niet makkelijk zijn thuis in NL. Ik hoor van mijn familie en lees op nu.nl hoe het er bij jullie aan toe gaat. Zo’n rare situatie! Ik hoop dat jullie de tijd een beetje door komen! Kus, Lin

  6. Another exciting day. Glad all ended well.

    Love that the animals are responding so quickly to having the roads to themselves.

  7. Hi Linda,
    Greetings from Cape Town.
    I’m a huge KP and nature fan and loving your blog. Enjoy this very special time you and the family have in the lockdown. I’d do washing everyday!
    The snake episode would have finished me though lol!

    1. Hi Adan!! Thanks for your lovely comment! Lol. I must say it is tempting to do washing every day but don’t want to take chances and push my luck. Lock-down rules apply to us in KNP too.

  8. Hi Linda!

    I envy your experiencies in the park! I am a photographer and my man just recently bought me a brand new 600mm Tamron lens for our next expedition to the Kruger over the Easter weekend. Sadly we had to postpone our trip due to lockdown circumstances! I would love to make contact with you once we have the opportunity to visit the park again!
    I am however so happy to hear that the animals are having a ball to say the least!

  9. Bless you Linda, for your blogs which keep many of us Krugerholics sane even more so now during lockdown!
    Keep safe, Joanne
    Warner Beach, kwaZulu Natal.

  10. You are so blessed to live in KNP. We live in Nelspruit and visit the park as often as we can. Which area do you live?
    Would love to get your blogs

  11. Hi Linda and family,
    Thanks for your lock down in Kruger reports. The next one is something to always look forward to. We’re booked to go to Kruger in August but from the UK I do not think we will be allowed to. So in the meantime you’re reports get my husband and myself chatting about Kruger. Phil usually lives away during the week but for now is working from home so that’s a lovely change, except he makes me run every morning with him . 15 days on the trot, 15 days since we were sent home from Mallorca on a “rescue” flight. Last two days we’ve had a different woodpecker in our garden the Great Spotted instead of the Green Woodecker, so that was lovely and I had binoculars ready today. Keep well
    Jacqui & Phil UK

  12. Hi Linda, thank you for bringing Kruger to us while we cannot visit.
    Cannot wait to hear and see more.

  13. Hi Linda
    I’m a big fan of yours. You bring the Kruger Park to the concrete city. Enjoy every article of yours. When I was little we lived in Nylstroom now Molemole. I loved the Bush. So as a 5 year old I would walk along deserted pathways
    I was came across a 3 meter long lizard. Like you my heart was in my throat. A fright of my life. Enjoy your extended lock down and keep posting.

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