Steven's Campfire Stories

Introducing: Steven’s Campfire Stories

I am very excited to announce something new on my blog! A series of stories written by my husband Steven!


I have been asking Steven to write down a couple of his stories for a while now. He was a bit reluctant at first. He thinks he isn’t much of a storyteller. I have listened to a lot of Stevens stories and I have to say every time he recounts of one of his animal encounters or experiences on trail, he has people glued to his lips and in stitches too!


I think Steven’s stories would be a lovely addition to the blog, and he eventually agreed to write some of them down!! And trust me: He has some amazing stories to tell!


The blog series will be called Steven’s Campfire Stories. And we will try and post one of Steven’s special stories once a month. The first edition will be up on our website this coming Wednesday.


I hope you enjoy them as much as I do!




26 thoughts on “Introducing: Steven’s Campfire Stories

  1. Yes Linda!! One of my university lectururers used to be a trailsguide in Kruger, when he started telling us stories of his experiences everyone was always listening in awe. Cannot wait!!

  2. Hi Linda, wat een geweldig idee, campfire stories by Steven, hoe leuk is dat. Kijk er naar uit! Geweldig he die regen , hier in MarlothPark is nu bijna 100mm gevallen waarvan zaterdag 80 mm in 2 uur tijd⛈️⛈️⛈️. Geweldig voor de bush, wel veel schade aan de dirtroads, dat nemen we maar op de koop toe. Btw wij hebben vorige week de N4 lion met zijn maten ook gespot nabij de S110 Dankzij jouw foto’s konden we ze herkennen. Zo bijzonder als je t bijbehorende verhaal kent?. Vraagje mag ik een link naar je blog op onze website zetten? Groetjes Marja

    1. Hoi Marja!
      Wow 80 mm in 2 uur is onwijs veel! Geen wonder dat er schade aan de wegen is!
      Super dat jullie de Shishangeni male hebben gezien! Wat is hij mooi he?
      Ja hoor, natuurlijk mag je een link naar mijn blog op julle site zetten! Ik kan elke ‘exposure’ goed gebruiken!

      Groetjes, Linda

  3. Great idea…I really enjoy reading your stories and I am sure that Stevens story’s are just as interesting..looking forward to the first instalment
    Regards Barbara Van Rensburg

  4. Your blog is fantastic. I live in the USA now, but spent a large part if my childhood visiting a family friend who was a ranger at Kruger. Your blogs bring me back to the smell and feel of the park. Thank you.

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