Our new home at Malelane gate

Hello Malelane Gate! – Our life in Kruger

Can you believe we have been at our new house at Malelane gate for two weeks already? Time flies, especially when you are unpacking boxes, hanging pictures and doing all sorts of other DIY projects around the house. Oh ja and don’t forget cleaning; lots and lots of cleaning;-)


After two weeks of hard work and elbow grease, I think we are 90% there: settled in and comfortable. There are going to be things to fix and walls to paint for a few months still, but that is the fun part of moving: making a house feel like your home.


With all the unpacking, we have not really been out exploring our new area much. We have spent most of our time in the house and the garden. The bush we can see from the house is extremely dry now at the end of winter. And our garden has not been watered for I don’t know how long. It is mostly dust, leaves and paper thorns. Those pesky little things get into everything. So the boys will have to get used to wearing shoes when they go outside!


no vegetation in our garden
Nothing but dust and dry leaves in our garden… But the Lapa is amazing!

Luckily the dry vegetation does not stop the animals from coming to visit! Every morning and late afternoon, we see a herd of impala at the front gate. They sometimes wander into our garden from our neighbour’s side where the fence is down. They make a trip around the house and quickly realise there is no food in here what so ever. Poor things. We really need to get some grass growing soon!


And I have to say; the monkeys and baboons here have been very well behaved. So far at least;-) They sleep in the trees at the office buildings next door. So I consider them to be our neighbours, but so far there have been no attempted break-ins or messy garbage situations. A very nice change from the monkey delinquents in Letaba! (I wrote a blog about their criminal ways. You can read it here.)


I have been longing to see elephants from the house. It took a good few days before we saw the first breeding herd. They were crossing the river and making their way to Leopard Creek, which is right there after you exit Malalane gate on the other side of the bridge.


That is where they bump into Kruger’s southern boundary fence. Steven told me one of the reasons why our area on the northern bank of the river is so overgrazed, is that the elephants basically feed on the vegetation here twice: Once while they are on their way to cross the river, and then again after they have to turn around at the boundary fence.


It seems like the ellies here so nice and naughty too! We had to make a quick trip to Pretoria for a few days last week. And while we were away, our neighbour had some sports with a bull in their garden. They have a little veggie patch and apparently, this hungry ellie found the spinach leaves absolutely irresistible! When they politely asked the elephant to leave, he got a bit of a fright and bolted straight through the little gate between our two gardens and out our front gate. Which was closed at the time! Ah, elephants. Got to love them!


Last weekend, we had a lovely breeding herd walk straight past the fence towards the bridge. I am so happy seeing elephants around the house again! It is the absolute best part of living in the Kruger.


The birdlife around the house at the gate is amazing too! Brown-hooded kingfishers are here every day. So are the little blue waxbills. We never saw those in Letaba and they are too gorgeous! There is a pair of Trumpeter hornbills that we believe is nesting in one of the trees around here. Their call is so interesting. It almost sounds like a crying baby!


Brown-hooded kingfisher at our house in KNP
Brown-hooded kingfisher in our garden

We are still on the lookout for a nice sundowner spot to enjoy the sunset at the end of the day. But until we do, I am quite happy to watch the sun set behind the Schalapia hills at the front of the house. It is spectacular every afternoon! So we sit there in our camping chairs at the kitchen door and just watch as the sun disappears behind the mountain. The sky goes from blue to orange, and then from pink to purple into darkness…


All in all, the first two weeks at Malelane gate have been not bad! Not bad at all…


Sunset over the Crocodile River, KNP
Sunset from Malalane Bridge
Sunset from our new home in KNP
Sunset behind the Schalapia hills








22 thoughts on “Hello Malelane Gate! – Our life in Kruger

  1. I so envy you. I will be coming in at Malelane next week Friday for a couple of days just to re fuel the Kruger longing. Then I’ll have to wait until the end of.December when I do a longer trip in the far north.

  2. So glad you’re almost settled in Linda! Have a wonderful stay in your house.
    Keep us posted….

  3. Glad all the unpacking and settling everyone in has gone well. Its great that you still have the animal visitors and the odd piece of flattened fence just to make you feel at home! Look forward to stories from this new area as seen through your eyes. Love the sunset pics by the way and also the warties on your wall!

    1. Hi Sal!!
      Haha, you hit the nail on the head there! A house is not a home without a flattened fence! Hie hie.
      Ah ja my varkies. They have been with us from the day I moved to South Africa. Love them too!
      Thank you for all your lovely comments, Sal! It is always no nice to hear from you! Hope you have a lovely afternoon!

  4. Lovely to read you are so happy. I read many of Kobie’s books. Wife of a game ranger and her life north of Letaba camp and taking her children to boarding school every week, rowing over the dam.
    Would love to read of your further endeavours. Be happy.

    1. Hi Jenny!
      Kobie’s books are amazing! I think I read them all too. The hippo’s in that dam gave them a hard time! I don’t know if I would be able to do that!;-)
      Have a lovely day!

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