My blog is a little over two months old now. I initially started ‘Our life in Kruger’, because I wanted to write down our stories for our children. They might choose not to live in the bush when they grow up or maybe not even in South Africa. Who knows what their future holds. But this way, they can read our stories when they are older, look back and realize their childhood was quite extraordinary.


But starting my blog has done a few unexpected great things for me as well. It has been a wonderful trip down memory lane writing everything down. It is strange how quickly you tend to forget and how you start to take things for granted; things that once were fascinating every day. I realise now that I have been extremely preoccupied with motherhood. So preoccupied that I forgot to notice and appreciate this beautiful and special place we are fortunate to call home.


I never expected such an overwhelming response when I first asked on the Best Place on Earth group if I should start a blog. The responses were pouring in! Then after I started ‘Our life in Kruger’ and read the lovely comments of our readers, I began to see my surroundings through their eyes again. And that has made me value the life we live here in Kruger so much more!


I have written a little bit about how life in Letaba has been great but also quite lonely at times in the blog ‘Farewell Letaba’. When I was a cabin attendant, I would meet new people every day! That is one of the things I have missed most after I moved here. But through this blog, I am connecting to people again; people that love Kruger as much as I do. I even got to meet a fellow blogger and a few of the people that follow ‘Our life in Kruger’. It has been such a positive change in my life!


So for that, I would like to thank all the people that take the time to read my blog. And that make the effort to comment: Thank you, I appreciate you all!




36 thoughts on “A blog from the heart

  1. This post is so true for me too. It took me a good year and a bit after my daughter’s birth to start blogging again and blogging has been so good to me mentally. It always helps to count your blessings when you write stuff down. I am so happy I got to meet you also!

    1. Absolutely hey? And putting things down on paper, helps to makes sences of my thoughts sometimes. If that makes sence?;-)
      It was awesome meeting you and your family! Come visit again! xx

  2. I love reading your blogs. My daughter studied Nature Cinservation and did her practical year in Skukuza. I visited her once a month for a loong weekend and experienced a little bit of the life in Kruger. It is sometimes a lonely life, but also a very privelaged life. Reading your blogs make me relive some of the times there. I live your love story and wish you a blessed life with your husband and the two boys. Please don’t stop your blogs. Blessing from Heidelberg, Gauteng.

    1. Hi Elizabeth! Your daughter was very lucky to be able to do her practical year in Skukuza! Im am sure she has some great stories to tell too! Thanks for your lovely comment! I have lots more stories to tell;-)

  3. Your blog is so interesting. I’ve only been to the Kruger Park twice , for 10 days in total ( another 6 next February) I live in Worcester (UK!) but have an extremelydear cousin in SA who has loved and visited the park all her life. She , Safarilive and now you, have made it somewhere worth travelling half a world to experience. Thankyou.

    1. Hi Fiona, I think your cousins name is also Fiona right? I chatted to her a while back! I am glad you enjoy our stories! Thank you!

  4. Linda your kids will love the stories even more than we do because, as you say, it’s the history of their early lives. Who knows – they may contribute more personally to them in years to come! I think your blogs are a two-way deal – you gift us with your wonderful stories and we gift you with our responses which are much shorter, but non-the-less heartfelt. Thanks for sharing your life with all us bush-lovers.

    1. If the boys could write a story or two in years to come that would be absolutely amazing!
      And yes, the two way deal is very true! I love reading all the comments! It brings the rest of the world a bit closer to me, while I bring Kruger closer to you!

  5. Ek is die een wat vir jou dankie moet sê vir jou “Blog”. Dis regtig so lekker om van julle doen en late te lees in een van die mooiste plekke tee wêreld.
    Julle is regtig so bevooreg om Kruger Park elke dag so te kan beleef en al daai pragtige diere elke dag te kan sien, al kom Oom Olifant op ‘n gereelde basis om julle heining vir julle te her rangskik ?.
    Hou asseblief aa om te skryf en julle lewe met ons te deel.

  6. Linda you should understand that for those of us who are not fortunate enough to have KNP on our doorstep, your blogs bring us closer. Personally there is not a day that goes by that I do not think, dream, read, review my photos and videos, of KNP. Please keep this in mind when you write. To coin a well used phrase: you can take a Kruger Parkian out of Kruger Park, but you cannot take Kruger Park out of a Kruger Parkian ?.
    I thirst for things to read about this most beautiful heritage.

    1. I used to feel like that too when I was still living in Holland! I am glad our stories bring Kruger a little closer to people. Wherever in the world they are!

  7. Good day.
    I am Afrikaans speaking but will my very best in my comment.
    Thank you for your blog. I really appreciate your stories.
    As I am staying in Gauteng so it is a few hours drive to BPOE and Letaba is one of me and my sister
    favorite camps in the Kruger staying in the tents so that we can enjoy the sounds at night.
    We are both pensioners and therefore going out of season we can go to the park at least 3 times
    a year but feeling very sad by leaving the park every year. I can understand that it will become very lonely
    but glad to hear that our comments to your blog made you feel better. kind regards and thanks again.

    1. Hi Gertruida! Dan sal ek maar probeer antwoord in Afrikaans! Jammer as daar baie foute is;-)
      Dis n groot plesier! Bly om te hoor jy geniet ons stories! Mooi daggie vir julle in Gauteng!

  8. Baie dankie. Wat ‘n voorreg om daar te kan bly. Hoop julle gaan nog lank daar bly en dankie vir jou stories.
    Mooi week vir julle. Jy praat goed Afrikaans of sal ek se skryf baie goed.

  9. People ask me what I miss about Africa (I have lived in Queensland, Australia for the last two years) and I tell them that apart from family – sister, brother and their children – and some very dear friends it is the knowledge that I can scrape together some money and drive a few hours to be in KNP. My late wife and I went at least once a year (I had gone for a long time before we married) and stayed – tent or caravan – for a fortnight. It is not allowed any more, I know, but in 2015 Rose’s ashes and those of her father were parked next to each other in brown paper bags (doesn’t that sound daft?) and under a log, on the banks of the Levuvhu in that enchanted forest a few k’s east of Pafuri picnic site.
    The reason I am in Australia is a long story and big chunks of it are on my own website where I blog, rant and recount episodes of my life. Australia, where I live, is beautiful but I truly miss the African bush and its uniquely iconic beasts.
    Please remember the advice I offered when I enthusiastically encouraged you to do this – keep a record of everything your write ON YOUR COMPUTER and back it up regularly, If your site crashes you will have the unique, precious drafts saved.
    Keep up the good work – I look forward to your blog and you tell a story REALLY well.

    1. Hi Erik!
      No that does not soud daft at all. It sounds like you brought them back to a very happy and special place.
      Moving overseas is always challenging. In more ways than people who have not done it, can imagine. Do you think you will ever get the opportunity to come visit Kruger and Rose again? Please let me know if you do!

      And thanks for your great advice. I have backed up my articles on my Mac and a flashdrive just this morning. Thanks for the reminder!;-)
      Hope you ave a lovely day Erik and thanks for the support!

  10. Don’t stop writing! I love every story and love following the boys growing up and Stevens work. We LOVE the bush and wish we could get there more often. One day we’ll get to visit again.

    1. Hi Sharlene! I came across a few pic of the trail we did together! Such fun! Hope you are well and glad you enjoy our stories! Let us know when you are around again! xxx

  11. Love reading your blog and seeing your photos. I recently visited Kruger and fell head over heels. Such a special place. It would be a dream for me to live there. Reading your posts bring back such fond memories. Thank you!

    1. Ah thanks Robyn! Appreciate it! Yes Kruger is a real special place and we are very lucky to live here! Your Canada is pretty awesome too though! Would love to explore the Vancouver area again one day with Steven. I am sure he would love it!

  12. Love reading all your posts and envy you your life in the Bush. Has always been my dream. Keep up the stories.

  13. Linda, I cannot wait for your next stories.
    Please never stop making it easier for us not
    being able to be in Kruger more often!

  14. Yes Linda – don’t stop your blog. My late husband and I (for more than 28 years) camped in Kruger 3 to 4 times a year, for anything from 2 to 4 weeks at a time. I have now bought myself a second hand Sherpa Tiny and as soon as everything is repaired, I will make Kruger bookings to travel on my own. I am 71 years old!

    1. That is the plan! I especially love taking pictures with the boys and an animal in the background. And they love the animals!

  15. Hallo Linda
    Baie dankie vir jou Blog. Ek geniet dit om te lees. Verseker is dit n groot voorreg om so deel te wees van die Bos. Ek beny julle?. Ons geniet ook die mooi van ons BPOE. Ongelukkig kan ons nie so gereëld gaan soos ons graag sou wou nie. Dankie vir aldie groepe en jou Blog so doende kan ek deel bly en aldie mooi saam beleef. . As onttrekkings baie erg raak lees ek en kyk ek na aldie mooi van almal dan is dit draaglik?. Sterkte met julle verhuising. Glo julke sal dit net so baie geniet soos julle Letaba geniet het. Blessings?

    1. Hallo Elsa and baie dankie vir jou mooi boodskap! Ek waardeer! Ek kan onthou ek het die selfde gevoel toe ek nog in Holland gebly het. Mooi daggie vir julle en hoop julle kan binnekort weer wildtuin toe gaan!

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